Longtime Linux game porter and SDL developer Ryan Gordon released SDL_sound 2.0 as the first release of this sound component to the Simple DirectMedia Library in nearly fourteen years.
SDL_sound complements SDL by providing easy handling for audio decoding of popular sound formats like WAV and MP3. The last release was SDL_sound 1.0.3 way back in April 2008 while on Friday Ryan “Icculus” Gordon released SDL_sound 2.0.
SDL_sound 2.0 transitions to using SDL2 with SDL 1.2 no longer being supported, switches over to the Zlib license from LGPLv2, no longer has any external dependencies, supports the CMake build system, and removes support for outdated targets like QuickTime and Speex.
For game developers and others looking for easy sound file handling with SDL integration, see the SDL_sound 2.0 announcement.