The family name is Ninomae, and this name is legally written in Japanese.
Ninomae Ina’nis is an English Virtual YouTuber who debuted as part of hololive’s English (EN) branch’s first generation of VTubers with Takanashi Kiara, Watson Amelia, Mori Calliope, and Gawr Gura.
Ina’nis found a weird book and became more powerful, developing the ability to manipulate tentacles.
It has never been a major problem for her, so she sees tentacles as simply another part of her daily existence.
The only issue is that she has a feminine mentality and wants to dress them up and seem nice.
She started hearing Ancient Whispers and Revelations when she gained power.
As a result, she began working with YouTube to provide random sanity checks on humans, just like anybody else.
Ina appears as though she is a creature from another dimension, yet she is actually sweet, calm, and down-to-earth.
Takanashi Kiara feels that, when she is upset, Ina is always the first to reach out to her.
Puns and dry delivery of “dad jokes” are hallmarks of Ina’s public persona.

Ninomae Ina’nis Youtube Channel
Latest: March 2025