Nijisanji ID is an Indonesian virtual liver branch created by Nijisanji, whose members include Hana Macchia (a female Indonesian Virtual YouTuber), Taka Radjiman, and ZEA Cornelia (3SetBBQ).
Hana entered the creative world to establish a safe haven for people who want to feel at ease, entertained, and not lonely. She will be there with you for your evening’s entertainment as well as your midday outings.
Hana is a good human being. She has a strong desire to know. On top of being someone who is always smiling, Hana is also a really cheerful individual. In addition to her fantastic curiosity, she also wanted to attempt something new, such as when she performed Debus in front of Taka and ZEA on Minecraft broadcasts, albeit in the end, Taka stopped her from doing so.
Hana Macchia Youtube Channel
Latest: January 2025