If you only need a quick ending, then you should check out this short leveling guide for mages. You should be able to acquire one talent point each level after reaching level 50, with stat-increasing characteristics. As more and more is added to the stack, more attributes are obtained.
This part, as stated.
designed to assist you go through the standard mode dungeons found in this book. This means you have to know which bosses resist your element, which enables you to choose your gear according to the monster you’re fighting.
Finally, in the regular manner. Entering the regular mode will be an experience in which there are hordes of low-level monsters with no bosses. Since your HP is low, you cannot kill anything. If you don’t want to go through the main campaign, your first choice is to head to the treasure store. You can purchase products until the shop opens, at which point you join the “normal” mode. You can earn additional HP points if you kill any of the enemies here.
Please be sure to look out for the following in “normal mode”. Mirmahstrasz, the dual leader of the macho camp, will be available for a meeting. Even if you have the chain quest item, he will be incredibly difficult to defeat. It won’t do you any harm, but it will harm him. The task at hand is to avoid his toxin cloud as you make your way towards the end of the level, where the last Bubble of Life is located.
After you fight him, he will relinquish control of the macho camp which is located east of the dungeon. Go around 30 to 40 degrees to the south, dispatch the wraiths, and then search for the redaddin.
When you return to the Archerus faction camp, you will be in it. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate the dragon Moragg, who appears blue. There is only one distinction between them: you will have to kill it before you can access its ground-based area of effect strike. To be certain, ensure that all of your party members have Windmaster skills and party buffs at their maximum levels. It is also essential to make sure that all of your healer’s party members have returned to the group, as this is a DPS-focused game. It’s no problem for any party DPSers, because Moragg possesses 75,000,000HP.
Archerus has 65 million HP
4) You must now travel from the druid camp to the forest, and you will be attacked by enemies along the way. Although Moragg has appeared in the Druids’ camp, there is still the matter of eradicating it. In order to receive the task from Kopp, you must first defeat the seagrave and the huge dragon, as well as getting it from him.
This, therefore, is the fourth mission that you will receive as a result of doing the task from Kopp. Accept the next two quests after returning the item. We have these: Anyone who was part of the Cauldron of Storms must still be alive. The storm watchers should head to the Sepulcher encampment and go for Arishadd. To sterilize the facility, the Sepulcher must be used.
When you have finished, you will be returned to Cauldrons of Storms to begin your adventure again.
Citizenship and social responsibility will send you on a new adventure where you must rescue Memph Razmoondis from Cauldrons of Storms. You will have to locate new apprenticeship covers. Once again, the chapter is split into six quests: Quest 1, Quest 2, Quest 3, Quest 4, Quest 5, and Quest 6.
Now, the grand finale: You will gain the Arishadd bonus after you finish the session mission. this skill/ potion/ item boost permanently increases your experience gain, and it is beneficial in both PvE and PvP (Player vs Player).
8)Congratulations! The Sepulcher is ahead. Normally, the Sepulcher has three bosses, and they are exceedingly difficult to defeat, since they do not fall to their demise in the same manner. Before even beginning the second boss fight, kill the first one. In the third stage, you have to be in a certain location in order to defeat the boss. He also unleashes a devastating DoT so take him out first. The second boss is a maze with branches and dead ends. visual Guesses? Circle kills the enemy easily.
Continuing down takes you to locations with sources of energy and mana potions. To be quite honest, when you are need to utilize a potion, the first choice is the bestion combination. Keep on slaughtering! persevere; don’t give up Once one boss is slain, another will rise to take its place. Obviously, eliminate it as well. You’ll get the accomplishment pop once you’ve finished all the bosses. Don’t delay, go ahead and remove them. You earn a hundred thousand experience points every time you take out a boss (one Heart of the North). Don’t lose hope if you die, but don’t give up. If you make a mistake, you may come back and redo it.
Mage leveling guide for those who need a short ending. Levels 50-60 you should be able to get one talent point per level, with stackable attributes. Stacks of one attribute are added to the next after reaching levels 50 and 60. The guide is meant to help you get through normal dungeons, in the normal mode. The Cauldron of Storms is a quest you must complete to get your Arishadd buff.
You also need to kill the Sepulcher, which has three bosses. If you finish all the bosses, you get 100,000 exp per boss (one Heart of the North)
Latest: March 2025