Backups, DualSense, and the rest of the new content in Death Stranding’s Director’s Cut are detailed here.

Those who have been looking forward to the arrival of Kojima Productions on the PlayStation 5 now have something to look forward to: the State of Play, which was released last night, will serve as the occasion to officially announce the release date for Death Stranding Director’s Cut. The queries about the new features of this portage, on the other hand, continued to be many and numerous questions. With a hero like the extremely talented Sam Porter, this isn’t going to help at all.

In anticipation of its release on September 24th on PlayStation 5 (and later on PC), the updated and corrected version of the upcoming Pedestrian Adventures of 2019 listed the several additions that will be of interest to players.

And in order to avoid charges of facilitation, Jay Boor, the director of Kojima Productions’ editing department, has taken the stage to defend the work that has been done since then:

This new content has not been simply added; rather, it has been thoughtfully integrated into the game’s core experience, and it will be available for you to discover as you progress through the game. The majority of the new content is straightforward to locate, but it will take some time for you to locate and unblock some of the more difficult to reach sections. Despite the fact that I am unable to go into detail about the new missions and enhanced scénaristical sequences, I can tell you that a few new indices have been added to the most recent public service announcement that we have released to the public. They provide you with a few hints as to what you should expect in the near future.

If some old-school merchants were to be concerned about the overall balance of this approach, it would be for naught, because the latest innovations should not be made available to players at the start of the game.

The transfer of PS4 backups to the PS5 is, on the other hand, guaranteed, albeit a curious “a little bit closer” raises questions about the accuracy of the transfer:

We want to reassure the many Porteurs who are about to make their first delivery or who are in the process of constructing support structures to assist other Porteurs that they should come together as a group. The PlayStation 4’s backup data will be transferrable, according to the company. We want to make certain that players, wherever they are in the game’s timeline, can resume play at or near the same point where they left off when playing on the PS4 version, while also allowing players who have already completed the game to access areas where new content and other items can be discovered. –

What is it, a beach?

Without a hint of surprise, the vast majority of players immediately inquired as to the cost of the update, and if any doubt remained regarding the cost of the update for the physical versions of the game, all PS4 versions will be upgraded to a Digital Deluxe Edition, with the Blu-ray disc serving as the final piece of the puzzle in the process.

For those who, on the other hand, made the mistake of purchasing a console without a reader, the sentence is… well, you get the picture. Yes, that is correct: irrevocable. Instead, make a decision:

Users of the PlayStation 4 version with a disc drive who purchase the PlayStation 5 edtion numérique without a disc drive will not be able to upgrade to the reduced-priced PlayStation 5 version of the game.

It will not be possible for users of the PlayStation 4 version with a disc drive to upgrade to the lower-priced PlayStation 5 version of the game if they purchase the PS5 edtion numérique without a disc drive.

Latest: March 2025

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