Megaton Musashi Trailer Contrasts Level-5'' s Video game to the Anime

Megaton Musashi


Given That Megaton Musashi is Level-5'' s most recent cross-media job, it makes good sense to wish to contrast the approaching video game to the television anime variation. That'' s precisely what Level-5 carried out in its most recent sneak peek, which places both side-by-side for a better look.



There'' s likewise a gameplay trailer labelled V-Navigator Haruka'' s One-Point Introduction: Hack-and-Slash:



Megaton Musashi strikes PlayStation 4 as well as Nintendo Change in Japan on November 11.


Via Gematsu




Joseph Radiance is the Gamings as well as Internet editor at Otaku U.S.A. Publication You can review his comics at subhumanzoids Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.

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