DICE will employ bots to counterbalance lobbies that need additional players.
DICE and EA revealed their cross-play intentions for Battlefield 2042. Until the function is further developed, it is possible that you will not be able to find an arrangement in which you can all join the same lobbies.
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC gamers will be able to play together via a separate invite-only technical playtest coming shortly. In the near future, the game’s player pool will be divided between those on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and those on all other platforms. As for whether console and PC gamers may choose to avoid playing against one other, this may assuage worries about the controller/mouse/keyboard difference.
For gamers with pals who do not have a strong gaming setup or have not been able to acquire a PS5 or Xbox Series X/S, dividing the players across console generations can seem like a letdown. However, it makes sense. On PS4 and Xbox One, the lobbies will contain 64 players instead of 128, and the maps will be slightly reduced as well. Otherwise, game play is the same across all platforms, including tornados, which will add weather elements.
Cross-progression is being consideration as well. Items you purchase or obtain on one platform will be available on all other platforms. So if you go from PC to PlayStation or Xbox, you’ll have access to all of your purchases and progression.
According to the EA press release, elsewhere, DICE intends to utilize bots to help get players into matches more quickly by assisting with matching. Though players will always have preference over AI warriors, you can’t opt out of utilizing the bots. A bot will take over if someone leaves in the middle of a game.
Although the bots will not be able to employ wingsuits or class-based abilities, they should simulate the behavior of human players to a high degree. Because the AI soldiers may carry out additional duties, including recovering teammates, calling in vehicles, and seizing objectives, the soldiers can also fulfill the support role for other members of the squad. There will be bots to combat and you may compete with your friends in solo and co-op modes.
The article also divulged a few additional elements, such as vehicles, fully configurable loadouts, and how various game types target specific geographical locations. However, the developers assured players that they would be unable to engage in combat on every story of a skyscraper, just the lobby and the roof. At the EA Play Live event on July 22nd, further information regarding Battlefield 2042 will be announced.
Latest: March 2025